Preventative maintenance is always easier and less expensive than repairs or restorations. Try these tips to keep your home running smoothly and stop the damage before it begins.
· Keep trees and shrubs trimmed back from the home to prevent leaf buildup around foundations and on roofs
· Add ½ cup of distilled vinegar or bleach to your AC drip line every 6 months.
· Change your air filters every 3-6 months
· Clean refrigerator coils every 6 months
· Touch up whenever you notice chipped or peeling paint to prevent water damage.
· An annual termite and pest program will keep your home safe from annoying intruders and the damage they can cause.
Common Mistakes
Before removing or demolishing any elements of your house, stop and do a little research. You may be removing an important architectural piece of history. If you’re unsure, call a professional. Most basic #historichomemaintenance techniques can be performed by the homeowner, but many should not and can actually cause further damage to the structure. If you’re unsure about any maintenance issues with your historic home, contacting a professional is in your best interests to keep your historic home in great shape for years to come.
